In addition to radio, newspapers, & tv, social media news feeds have become a major contributor to bringing news awareness. But what does your news feed suggest to you?
While social media apps, like TikTok, Snapchat, and Instagram, may be created mostly for entertainment, other apps, like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, offer information in addition to entertainment. But is the available content on social media apps objective or suggestive?
Both suggestive and objective material is needed on social media apps. Some people need to be prompted, while others just want to be informed.
Suggestion, or pathos, is important to get users to contribute to a charity or foundation or to sign a specific petition. Suggestion, or ethos, also comes into play in a post to persuade an audience to side with a viewpoint.
Objectiveness, or logos, is involved when a news site releases the latest breaking stories.
Whatever the method, having both options is important and helps the apps offer variety. In addition to constantly updating the look of an app and strengthening security protocols, knowing how to best relate to the target audience is a must. As Maggie Happe wrote, "There must be a human behind the keyboard, one who is specifically aware of the rhetoric they are using to reach a specific audience."
[1 image, 1 quote, 4 links, 215 words]