As a teenager in today's society, I am updated on news through a variety of social media platforms. I've learned about things via Instagram, Twitter, and even TikTok. Apps such as TikTok regulate your feed ( or in this case, your for you page ) based on what you like or what you view, which then creates a certain algorithm to view on your for you page. If you really think about it, TikTok is biased in the sense that it only shows you what you want to see, by constantly trying to please it's users. Instagram is also the same way because whatever I see is off of people's Instagram stories, and they only repost what they want to. So I wouldn't say you should necessarily get your news off of social media. But, Twitter is one of the better social media platforms to get news off of, since it comes directly from the people such as popular organizations and even the President. Popular organizations such as the World Health organization, use it primarily to get out empowering discoveries or to provide updates on the status of COVID-19, such as how migrants are “ having more difficulty getting access to essential services ”. With all of this, bias seems highly inevitable but really researching can help you discover raw and factual information.
[ 1 image, 1 link, 1 quote, 223 words ]