No one knows how long fake news has been around/spreading. Maybe as long as news was defined.
Depending on the creator’s intention, the effects and damages of fake news may vary.
Everyone could be reading fake news everyday. But why do they still do it without confirming?
It is because of trust and sometime they’re too lazy to read through a whole article.
First of all, according to a UK study, “one-sixth of participants admitted to believing anything that their friends share on social media. The same study showed that information seen on Facebook was seen as more reliable than information from actual experts.” Fake news compels people based on their trust to their friends and family.
The second reason is because they only read the headlines of a whole article which could be about what they’re interested in. These days, people prefer to know celebrities’ lives/activities more than knowing about what’s happening in their communities. Or sometimes people only look at the article’s source (if it’s from a named magazine, they don’t want to read further).
[1 image, 1 link, 1 quote, 179 words]