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Amelia Jáuregui

What Seems Like Fake News, is Unfortunately, REAL!

I was scrolling on Twitter this morning, as I do most days, with the intention of not seeing anything specific. When I came across a strange tweet from Daven Rovell.

The tweet claimed that McDonalds had just released a line of 6 limited edition candles ranging from the smells of 100% Fresh Beef, all the way to pickles.

When I first saw this, I immediately thought of the lab assignments we were doing for english 1302. My mind went straight to “Haha, Professor Cheney, this is the epitome of fake news.” However, I decided to do a quick google search to see if this was true in the slightest, and to my surprise, it was.

Who in their right mind thought it would be okay to create candles that smell like burger items? I was honestly flabbergasted at this decision.

I don't care how many millions of dollars that McDonalds has, but this was not their next invention that would make them millions of more income.

I didn’t know if I was crazy or not for thinking this was gross, but I decided to ask my boyfriend his thoughts.

“McDonald’s has new candles? That is f*cking disgusting. If I walk into a room and smell f*cking pickles… wow… I can’t even finish my thought because of how absolutely abusive that would be to my nose.”

I wasn’t even planning on writing about this for a blog post, but it was the first thing that came to my mind. Something so bizarre and so fake, that could only be Fake News, but unfortunately, this bag of bologna is real.

[1 image, 3 links, 1 quotation, 278 words]

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