People today are getting most of their news on social media, this might not come as a shock to most people considering that there was a survey done with "Journalism" and these were the results of where people find their news; Website or app (25%), Social media (18%), Cable TV (16%), Local TV(16%), Network TV (13%), Radio (8%), Print (3%), No answer (1%) (Journalism). Notice how the top two were both an app or specifically social media? Now according to "Nearly three-quarters of adults (71%) are active on Facebook and about half (52%) draw at least some news from there" ( It also states that the ones focused on social media are millennials or generation Z, which again may not be surprising to some people. ( Yet does social media present thetruth, or are they just telling us what we want to hear or what we want to see? Have you ever been on Amazon and clicked on a product and later amazon shows you products like that one and say "Items you might like"? If yes, then think about that but in a social media way. Once you like something on Facebook or Instagram you will be getting more posts like that in order from them for you to keep using their app. This is a technique that most of us have already known, but is it blocking out the parts of social media that we need to see like the news? For example if you are a Liberal and like and follow groups about that, they are going to blow your feed up with more of that stuff, so what if we aren't getting the full truth from what social media is providing us. Next time you go on social media be sure to look up your other sources before believing everything you read.

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