After reading the life a journalist in "All Systems Down" by Nikki Usher, the idea of where journalism going is quite clear. Some of the things that Nikki mentions is the idea of newspapers disappearing, due to the advances in technology. Although continuation of newspapers is still being printed, newspapers are not being printed as much as before. One of the dilemmas she mentions is you will not receive the Sunday, Monday, or any other day of the week newspaper in print. The idea of sitting at the table to read the newspaper is an old-time activity, that is going away. With this idea in mind, what is happening to all the journalists? Nikki describes how the journalists are having to leave the newspaper industry and start over within the newsrooms. Nikki mentions this change as, “This isn’t new blood for the news industry but journalism dialysis — old blood pumped back into the system for a fresh start.” It is a horrible way of saying these journalists are having to start brand new in a different aspect of the journalism world. With new journalist that are prepared to take on the newsroom world of journalism, this leaves the older journalists to fend for themselves. In my conclusion, I can only say with the changes coming this will leave a lot of individuals to seek freelance work or retire the journalist career. Who will conduct the journalist work to bring us the news next?
Works Cited
[1 quote, 1 link, 1 image, 276 words]
All Systems Down
by Nikki Usher 2020
