Journalism is a unique expression of one’s own opinion. The opinion formed is dependent on how information is obtained. It may be easy to retrieve information or almost impossible to do so. Along with this, it may be hard to comprehend if information is factual or not. This problem seems to be correlated with various factors, so NiemanLab says. According to NiemanLab, journalist will be undergoing the most difficult time in 2020 when presenting new information. This is said to be due to, “…media consolidation, layoffs, general financial bleakness, rampant mistrust among a hopelessly divided public, all combined with the proliferation of mis- and disinformation…” With these factors, NiemanLab also states that the role of a journalist has and will be greatly changed. Journalist will now have to fight for how they want to present facts that will be misconstrued by another party. Not having much of a choice with how journalism will change, it is being concluded that 2020 will in fact be an awful year for most journalist. “I think election converge and media manipulation are going to be worse than in 2016, not better.” It is unfortunate where journalism seems to be heading with very little hope in positive change. Although it seems there is more bad than good with how news is being covered by journalists, it is always good to know that there is some hope in news organizations that cover real and relevant news rather than the nonsense news that seems to be plastered everywhere due to how 2020 is.
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