Allen High School, most recognized for sports and the vast amount of students attending as well as all of the events happening everyday all day and there is a lot of things that need to be taken care of but one particular thing, and that should be on the top of the schools list is the stench reeking from K hall. K hall has a smell like no other, many think, Is it rotten eggs? Did someone bust the toilet? Dirty diapers?. Personally it physically hurts my nose to go around K hall, I have no idea how kids that actually have class in that hall are able to focus so I asked my friend, Trisha Lam who has a class in K hall she said "Oh yeah its smells really bad but to be honest you kinda get used to the smell and block it out" then proceeded to ask her what she thinks the school should do about that horrifying smell and she responded with "I don't know air freshers?". To get further into the what is actually the nose breaking stench of K hall I asked the janitor who said I could use his quotes but not his name, asking what the smell of K hall was he began to laugh and say "Oh it just some pipes in the airways" I then followed up with the question of when are they going to fix the smell he replied with "It should air out". The horrifying stench of hall must only affect visitors of the hall and not the regulars that pass by weekly, both of my interviews were not impressed with my worried expression toward this very troublesome topic, leaving me to see that lack of importance the stench has on some of the school members.
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