A journalist of the name of Richard Wild was filming and traveling around Iraq. Sitting in the lounge of Baghdad's Palestine hotel last week, in the company of six veteran war correspondents interviewing them about their time in Iraq. on Friday morning, when he dropped off a tape for Burke to pass on to Channel 4 on his return to the UK. "He was very excited about a visit he'd made to a Palestinian refugee camp in the city. He'd filmed the whole thing himself, and he thought it was going to be his big break"(Wild). Wild was shot dead outside Baghdad's natural history museum on Saturday morning, as he stood on a traffic island trying to get a taxi. His killer approached through a crowd of students, drew out a pistol and fired it into the base of his skull, before fleeing in the confusion that followed. It remains unclear whether Wild was targeted because he was a reporter, although he was not carrying his video camera at the time. This was the 17th journalist to be killed.
