Journalist, Sharon Guynup, has covered stories mostly “focused on Wildlife and environmental crime”. Guynups’ focus on wildlife has shed some light on the illegal activities that have happened around the world involving elephants, rhinos, tigers, and more innocent creatures. Guynup has traveled around the world observing the trade in each country, she notices that “many endangered species products are luxury items bought by the wealthiest and most influential as a way to flaunt power and gain prestige”. Both alive and dead animals were being traded and trafficked around the world. While Guynup is trying to spread the coverage of these activities, she asks questions to the audience to make them think about the reparations of this illegal activity; as well as appealing to their emotions and using words like bloody and massacre to make them understand the severity.
[1 image, 2 quotes, 1 citation, 138 words]