As Coronavirus had spread across the States, people spread a lot of wrong information about the virus. Fake news mostly expands throughout social media where the creator of the content is not required to be genuine. They might be intentionally evil, under-educated, or politically biased. Whatever the reason is, someone should stop the Fake news and correct them. People or organization who are well-conditioned, educated, and does the greatest good for the greatest number: American Public Health Association and World Health Organization, for example. The fake news is so bad that "the World Health Organization (WHO) has labeled fake news on COVID-19 an 'infodemic.'" (O'Mally)
Because the misinformation is spreading by social media for the most part, The World Health Organization responded to fake news with active use of social media. WHO posted 29 tweets in 24 hours on as of June 19th, 2020. Even though social media is not a platform recommended to obtain health information from, we must develop the discernment between fake and real.

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