Fang Bin and Chen Qiushi, two Chinese journalists reporting the story on the Corona Virus in late January and early February of this year, have mysteriously gone missing. Bin, a Wuhan businessman, posted videos on YouTube, portraying the first hand experience of somebody in a corona-infected china. Bin gained popularity on his YouTube channel when he uploaded a video of what seemed to be eight dead bodies piled outside a hospital in Wuhan. Shortly after the video was posted, it was taken down by Chinese government officials, and later that night "police barged into his home... and interrogated him about his videos" (BBC). He was taken into custody, later released, but is now missing. Quishi, a previous Chinese human rights lawyer turned online content creator, was an avid activist in the Hong Kong freedom movement in August of 2019. He has amassed a following of 700,000 followers on social media, but was shut down by the Chinese government. Later, Quishi moved to Wuhan to produce videos in hospitals about the treatment of infected patients, where he has disappeared. Especially in these sensitive times, China has been cracking down on activists and freedom fighters, using forcible quarantine as an alibi, but journalists are uncovering the corrupt government and helping to find the answers that Chinese officials won't provide.
(217 words, 1 quotation, 1 image, 1 link)