Early on in the Biden Presidency, one of the first actions the president took was to cancel the Keystone pipeline. President Biden said, "We're going to combat climate change in a way we have not before" right before signing his executive orders into place. What doesn't make sense is, the president canceled the pipeline in the name of climate change. Experts in the oil industry as well as some environmentalists were confused about this decision. Due to the fact that the pipeline is possibly the cleanest way of transporting oil from one place to another. Once the pipeline would have been built, it would have created zero emissions. As a result of the pipeline being canceled, now the oil is being transported by train which in turn raises the cost of oil and ends up causing more harm to the environment through pollution. If this was really about saving the environment it doesn't make any sense to cancel the clean way of transporting oil. This has me wondering what is the real reason for canceling the pipeline?

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