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The Truth on "Fake News"

Everyday we encounter fake news, whether we are on social media, watching TV or even having a conversation with someone. We receive...

Wild Wild Dead

A journalist of the name of Richard Wild was filming and traveling around Iraq. Sitting in the lounge of Baghdad's Palestine hotel last...


Journalism has changed dramatically since the eighteenth century and has become more advanced than ever. With these new advances critics...

News in Social Media

New sites, such as Fox News and CNN are targeted for an older audience, basing a lot of their information on politics and the...

Front Page News

The various layouts and designs of the many different newspapers play a big role in what catches our eye. The different colors can grab...

Gun Violence

On March 14, 2018, one month after the shooting at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, thousands of students...

Stock Market Crash

According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, the Great Recession started December 2007 and ended June 2009. The Dow Jones...

Nelson Mandela Death

Nelson Mandela was a civil rights activist, who became South Africa’s first black president. Mandela, and many others, peacefully...

Remember 9/11

On September 11, 2001, the United States suffered a terrorist attack. Osama bin Laden, the leader of Al-Qaeda issued an attack on the...

Popcorn Lung

Recent studies about vaping have become very serious with this generation, Nicotine companies have been advertising appealing to...

Hit and Run!

A few days ago actually, while being at Allen High school across the street there were three men from Dallas at the apartments and a...

A Pit Stop For Journalism

Journalism in this day of age is viewed as a negative thing. Readers, Listeners, and viewers feel like they are being led on and hearing...

Can't Talk Right Now

Cell phones are taking over this generation, and there’s not much we can do about it. As each day goes but technology is getting better...

Opinions Or Facts

Journalism is a very competitive market when it comes to being the first one to get the story out. Due to rushing and trying to be the...

It Must Be True

Twitter is one of the most well-known Social medias out there, it is such a great tool to connect with friends, family and the world. You...

The Power Of Clickbait

Clickbait is when someone puts out content and they use a catchy title or interesting picture to grab your attention and lure you into...

The Content of Journalism

We’ve already discussed the decline of journalism and ideas on how to save journalism, now we are ready to talk about what the content of...

Saving Journalism

The decline of journalism is in full swing, now we just need to find a way to save it. How can we achieve that when things have already...

The Decline of Journalism

Journalism, as a profession, is on a downhill climb. Many journalists are finding themselves in jobs that don’t provide good benefits, if...


Questions? Please email: scheney   at  collin  dot   edu


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